Creating a Category of Flashcards for Filtering

Hi All,

I want to create category of common words so to use as a filter for flashcards, so that I only study flashcards for reasonably common words. So, I download the SUBTLEX frequency list and I take the first 12,000 lines. On every line I delete all the statistics leaving only the word in Chinese. I add a category line at the top of the file (for example, // subtlex12k). Then I import this file into Pleco, setting duplicates to "allow".

Now, I want to use subtlex12k as a "require" filter, but when I do this I get the "No Cards Found" message. This works fine with the premade HSK flashcard list, what do I have to do to create my own filter category?
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Staff member
Allowing duplicates is the problem here - the cards you've imported in subtlex12k are standalone cards that don't belong to any other categories, even if the same word is covered in another list.

To fix this, delete all of those subtlex12k cards (go into the category, tap Edit, All, and Delete / Delete), then reimport again with duplicates set to "Merge Cats" - that way, if a card already exists for a word, the system will simply add it to subtlex12k instead of creating a new card.