Custom User dictionaries and flashcard handling


Staff member
ldolse - Not sure what's happening with the icon color - are you sure you changed the right one? You don't want to change the text color (right now that's white regardless of what you pick), you want the background color. How exactly are you exporting the dictionary - is it associated with a specific flashcard category?


I doublechecked that I picked the right one, DictIconFillColor is the value I used, which sounds right to me. In the file I uploaded it's changed from the default of 32 thousand something to 42 thousand something, but in the UI that basically looks the same as the original value.

For the flashcards that's pretty easy to reproduce:
- Install the dictionary
- Import the the export file I uploaded with Radicals set as the first dictionary to check

That will give you a new top level category called radicals with several subcategories; it should have 321 cards in it. I'm guessing that you can just export at that point (as XML) and it should reproduce. In the event that it doesn't I did do one additional thing, I created a category manually called 'Simplified', and threw the simplified radicals into that, so in my case I did have a few characters that were in two subcategories.


Staff member
It's a standard 24-bit RGB color value, 39372 = 0x0099CC in hexadecimal, basically just three 8-bit numbers for red, green, and blue. So a bright red icon would be 0xFF0000 = 16711680, a bright green icon would be 0x00FF00 = 65280 and a bright blue one would be 0x0000FF = 255.

I'll try reproducing this per your instructions, even if it's not something we were testing for before we certainly can try it now.