Decomposition of Hanzi for writing practice

I'm trying to create flascards (or a dictionary) as writing aid.
No Etymology, only a practical decomposition frequently used in schools.

Like source I used file. file.

For DecompositionOfCharacters.txt file (600 Characters HSK1...HSK3) a single record appear as
  • 这 zhè (辵) 这 : 亠乂辶 lid, bend, walk, [ Def.: this, the, here]
The definition part is: (Radical) Hanzi : decomposition description [ translation]

For decomposition7120.txt (7120 Characters) as:
  • 诟 gou4 讠厂一口 speech, cliff, one, mouth
The definition part is: decomposition description.

Not all is perfect: èr two is sometime missed...
Do you know some better files?


  • DecompositionOfCharacters.txt
    53.4 KB · Views: 2,055
  • decomposition7120.txt
    354.2 KB · Views: 1,864
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Hi Furio,

Thanks for the decompositions! I imported them successfully as dict & flashcards. They will help me!



状元 file.

For DecompositionOfCharacters.txt file (600 Characters HSK1...HSK3) a single record appear as
  • 这 zhè (辵) 这 : 亠乂辶 lid, bend, walk, [ Def.: this, the, here]
The definition part is: (Radical) Hanzi : decomposition description [ translation]

For decomposition7120.txt (7120 Characters) as:
  • 诟 gou4 讠厂一口 speech, cliff, one, mouth

I've a couple of questions:

1/ How did you go from the kradfile-u.txt.js to your two decomposition.txt files? Did you do that by hand?

2/ For the 7120 character file, is there a reason for that number? The source files has over 13 thousand entries and I was wondering why you didn't include them all.

1/ How did you go from the kradfile-u.txt.js to your two decomposition.txt files? Did you do that by hand?
I'm using three tools, using Notepad+ macro I transform the original
京 : 口 小 亠
replacing ":" with TAB
After, using Excel and Pleco I obtain the final result

2/ For the 7120 character file, is there a reason for that number? The source files has over 13 thousand entries and I was wondering why you didn't include them all.
I don't remember, perhaps an original file was shorter.
In effect for HSK we need only 2700 Hanzi : that was my initial goal.


I could automate most of that in excel, if you'd like. (everything except adding the definitions of the full character)
Can someone let me know how to import these as dictionaries into PLECO?
In "Import cards" there are a number of options, among the options there is the "Store in user dict" feature.
Do you tried to use this option?


  • dict.jpg
    15.1 KB · Views: 583
I tried but it's a text format and not a PQB format. So it can't be imported.
After importing as database we can export it in this way:
Settings > Manage Dictionaries > Decomposition (or the name used) > Backup Database > (name) > Save


  • decomposition.pqb
    202 KB · Views: 1,288


Woah... many thanks. I need to learn this. :D
Just to let you know, I've added this to my recommended list here. Hope it's ok with you.
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Hi Furio, how exactly do you import the txt file as database? I tried searching, could not find this under settings. I'm trying to compile a PQB file for the post below:

If I remember correctly, it's "Settings" - "Manage Dictionaries" - "Add User" to import the flashcard-format text files as a user dictionary.
You also need one of the paid add-ons "Flashcard System" to have this option.