Dell Axim X30

Hi there,

Just wondering if Pleco works with a Dell Axim X30. I'm a pretty low tech person without an iphone or anything and have someone who can give me the Dell Axim X30. I really want a PDA just for something like Pleco.

If the Dell Aximx30 does not work for Pleco or if is not recommended, does anyone have a recommendation for an inexpensive PDA that will work? I'd like to avoid anything like an iphone that requires a contract/monthly fee.




Rebecca--I hope you get more replies than just mine, because I haven't used an X30 in a long time, but I can't see any reason why it wouldn't work. You may have to use a previous version of PlecoDict because some of the PD 2.x features won't work with 2003, which is, I believe, the x30's operating system, but if you're not especially techy, you may not want to use some of the bells and whistles anyway. Also, you should find yourself at least a one GB expansion memory card (I believe that Axim takes CF (compact flash) and SD/MD, but I could be making that up). Then, you will install as much of the program as you can (dictionaries, e.g.) to the flash card and your Axim will be able to handle PD just fine.

Hope this helps.



Staff member
Yes, actually even the latest version should work fine on the X30 - a few minor features will be missing (Instant Access is a little harder to get to, for example, though that doesn't matter much if you're only using your Axim for Pleco, since it only affects Pleco's interaction with other applications) but the basic software works fine. But as sfrrr says you'd definitely need an SD card for Pleco's data files.

Our iPhone software works on iPod Touch as well, so that's another device you could get with no service contract / monthly fee, though at $200 even the low-end iPod Touch might be a bit pricey compared to a free Axim.
Thanks for your responses! I think I'm going to buy myself an ipod touch when I "graduate" from the ChinesePod newbie level to the elementary level. It will be a little while, but having a prize is good incentive to study hard. :)