Dictionary Entry Features


So with ABC and other dictionaries, we have features such as hyperlinking to related words, and example sentences that change between simplified and traditional automatically depending on which character set you are currently set to, and bold font on the pinyin in example sentences. Is there any way to access these features for our own custom dictionary entries and flashcards?


Staff member
Not at the moment, though this is another thing we're thinking about adding in a future (likely post-Palm-OS) release. Tentatively I think we might use BBCode (with some sort of special URI scheme for dictionary entry links), since that's fairly standard and has been specifically designed not to interfere with HTML / XML, though there'd probably be a rich-text editing interface for them in Pleco. We could even provide for embedded images if we supported "data:" URLs, it'd be nice to have those built into the dictionary entry instead of having to link to them in a separate database (and SQLite wouldn't really care if that resulted in some 100 KB dictionary entry records, it can handle much larger records than that).