Dictionary with best coverage of associated measure words?


Is Tuttle my best bet to get the measure word listed in the definition of a noun? The general lack of them in the dictionaries I do have is becoming a problem. Thanks!


Staff member
You're not happy with ABC's coverage of them? It's actually pretty darn good, and CC-CEDICT is getting better in that department too. ABC has about 28,000 noun entries with measure words, while Tuttle only has 3600 entries total - they're wonderful entries, with measure words, detailed examples / explanations, etc, but if you're looking for measure words for less common nouns you might not find entries for those nouns in Tuttle. I don't know if there's any dictionary out there with more measure words than ABC - there are actually a few dedicated measure word dictionaries available, but they tend to be relatively short, so I don't think they'd add much to our existing offerings.


ABC does have measure words listed at the end in noun entries (identifiable by the "M:" entry label) but unfortunately, they are only in pinyin. To see the measure word character, you have to select the measure word and be taken to another page. The Tuttle dictionary does have the measure word character as well as pinyin in its noun entries but as Mike mentioned, Tuttle has less entries. ACE/Pleco Basic and Oxford does not have the measure word listed at all.

The sample entry for Tuttle has an example of a noun entry with its corresponding measure word listed:


mikelove said:
You're not happy with ABC's coverage of them?
I'll try doing some more with ABC specifically. It looks like part of my problem is I didn't (know to) switch the dictionary on the main screen to ABC from PLC, so I was always getting the PLC definition first, which isn't usually a problem, but in this case it was.

So a little user problem. However, it's IMO also a little confusing that the button to switch dictionaries looks the same in an entry and on the dictionary search page, but the dictionary switch inside an entry is temporary.


Staff member
You can change the dictionary search priority in Settings / Manage Dicts (tap Edit and then reorder them however you like); that'll let you bring up the ABC consistently first.