Flashcard confusion


Hi everybody,

I am almost certainly missing something terribly obvious, but I just can't get Pleco flashcards to work like any other mainstream SRS (Anki, Skritter, etc.) Basically, I have Pleco set to use "spaced repetition" and have burned through 800 cards in a session. Pleco then kindly informed me that "there were no more cards" to show. Excuse me, but what about all the cards I got wrong? Will I not get to have another go at them immediately? I have fiddled around with the settings etc. without finding "the magic bullet" so to speak, so I would appreciate any help in this. Basically, my query boils down to this:

1) Can I get Pleco flashcards to work EXACTLY like in Anki?
2) If so, how?

Thanks in advance for any help in resolving this.


Staff member
Two ways to do this:

1) In the "Commands" section of the "Flashcard Testing" screen, enable "Repeat incorrect" - that will repeat incorrectly-answered cards immediately at the end of a session. (the "loop" option under that keeps repeating them until you get them all correct)

2) Under Flashcard Testing / Scoring / Tweak Parameters, set "Minimum score" to 1. Then, under Flashcard Testing / Card selection, set "Day type" to "Calendar." With those options selected, cards answered incorrectly should show up in every subsequent session until you remember them correctly.