Flashcard formatting

I have added new and longer flashcards to learn sentence patterns, for example: 离(名词).

I now find a few (small) problems - more FYI than anything else:
a. my flashcards contain '(' and ')' (I created them in Excel and then converted to a utf8 file with emeditor (no BOM). Everything works, except the '(' and ')' are lost. If is useful to have some letters and symbols to denote 'grammar' in sentence patterns (color on characters or bold characters would be even better), but right now, this seems not to be possible, except if I did something wrong somewhere.
b. when a very long Chinese flashcard is shown, Pleco chooses a smaller font, and displays on, for example, 2 lines. If the next flashcard is shorter, it will display in a larger font, and on 1 line. However, the bottom few pixels of the previous 2nd line of characters is then still visible underneath the new single line of larger Chinese characters.


If they're Chinese Punctuation Marks (e.g. (),。;、), then Pleco doesn't support those and just won't show them. You'll need to use standard english ones (e.g. (),.:)