Flashcard testing questions


i'm sure it might be somewhere else here but my brief (very brief) search for it didnt come up. Also might be in the manual but its so difficult for me to get wireless internet to my ipod, so i apologize for asking these questions.

1. I've fooled around with the flashcard system, its great, but is there anyway for it to totally track which ones you've gotten wrong, and then an option to retest yourself on only those you miss? For example, i test myself in one category, missed a handful, but instead of going through all the other ones again, can it track which ones i miss, or for that matter, those i might consistently miss, and then be able to just test myself on the cards i'm not good at. Either per category, or even all together would still be great. It seems like that option should be there somewhere, especially since you can enable a function to select how well you remembered or didnt remember the card.

2. how exactly does the backup function work? how does it back it up and where? is it something setup with ipod and itunes? Like when i sync with my computer it can store everything on my comp as well in case my pod (like it did once already) crashes and needs to be reset, or even if it gets stolen and i need to buy a new one, then i have all the hours worth of time spent on setting up flashcards saved?

ok i think i wanted to ask something else but i forgot. All in all, amazing product and i love how i'm able to test myself all throughout the day whenever i have some spare time. Thanks!


Staff member
1) Yes; best way to do this is via the "Card Filter" screen, set up a "History filter" for "Incorrect in row" "1" and that'll test you only on cards that were last answered incorrectly. You can add a "time filter" for cards "reviewed" "within" 1 hour, say, to restrict it to cards you just tested. Create a separate Profile with these settings and you'll have an easy way to get into them after finishing a test.

2) Your flashcard database should actually be backed up whenever you sync with your computer, even without using that Backup function at all; it's stored in a place that gets backed up along with Pleco's other data files / settings / etc.

The "Backup Database" function copies the contents of that database to separate file. Two reasons that's useful. First, you can preserve a snapshot of your database on a particular date / before a particularly big change (big new import you're worried might create a bunch of screwed-up cards, e.g.) so that you can revert to that version later if you screw things up. Second, you can email / download that file off of your iPhone and have a copy of it that's independent of the iTunes backup mechanism, allowing you to, say, transfer it to an entirely different iPhone, or back it up in a more secure location than your computer's hard drive, or open it up with a SQLite database browser and snoop around in it.


thanks mike, works great!

got another question for you tho!

i wanted to pull up words that have 主義 and make a category with them,like capitalism, democracy, communism, etc, but it's not working. I've done it with other words before, and even now testing it with 化 to make a category for -ization words like magnetization, westernization, systemization, etc, works perfectly fine. I search using this "@化" but when i do "@主義" only Maoism comes up and nothing else! what am i doing wrong?


Staff member
Use a $ instead of a @ - @ only replaces a single character, $ replaces multiple characters (though it's still limited to (4?) for performance reasons at the moment).