Future chances for Plecodict


During the last time I kept on thinking about the future chances of plecodict in the global markets of translation software. I would like to share those ideas with all of you.

I think there are two kinds of people using plecodict. One type ist the private user having either contact to chinese friends or having relations with chinese people in sense of being married or in love. There are furthermore people studying chinese language. The third group are business people who stay in contact with chinese partners and travel frequently to China. Especially that group, after my opinion, is not considered enough.

For these people the most important vocabulary consits of business terms as well as technical terms. Both is difficult to find on the translation market. If the contacts between Western and Chinese Enterprises are continuiously getting more intensive, why there are that few products about that?

As a last fact I believe that some countries having intensive trade with China may have an interest in dictionariesdealing with their native language. If thrusting the statistics, those are especially: U.S., Japan, Germany, Italy, France. I think one should not forget those possibilities.


Staff member
Thanks for writing this. Certainly business users are a big potential growth area for us; the major problem is that a lot of them are stuck with PDAs that we don't support yet, particularly Symbian and BlackBerry devices. Even if we licensed half a dozen new dictionaries of business terms it still wouldn't be enough to get them to give up their BlackBerries...

As far as native language dictionaries, we're planning a slightly-more-official version of the Chinese-German HanDeDict to release with Pleco 2.0, and if that gets widely-downloaded (or we see any kind of an increase in our sales in Germany) that would definitely be a good sign for licensing some Chinese translation dictionaries for other European languages.