Great job and a few requests


Great job on PlecoDict! I've purchased it even though it's still technically a beta. Seems completely solid on my Treo 650 and everything works nicely.

I have three feature requests for future versions.

1. When I'm looking up a word, it'd be nice if PlecoDict gave me the matches from both languages. I'm frequently finding myself accidentally entering an English word when I'm in Chinese-to-English mode. If I enter, say, "driver" into the text field, there's no way that can be Pinyin and it'd be nice if the dictionary automatically did the right thing.

2. A mode in the flashcard app to test for correct stroke order. Since your docs say stroke order is important to the handwriting recognizer, I infer that the correct stroke order is already in the database. I'd love to have the app correct me when my stroke order is wrong. If it could also *demonstrate* the correct order, that'd be even niftier.

3. (The biggie for me.) Speech, preferably recorded but decent-quality synthesis would be okay too. I'm still very much a beginning student, but it is apparent to me that Pinyin is not a very precise representation of the pronunciation of Mandarin words. Right now all I can get from looking up a word is a general idea of how to pronounce it; hearing a native speaker say it a few times would be a great learning tool. Even hearing a machine voice would help me think of the word in terms of its sound (I learn sounds and written words with different parts of my brain.)

Right now I'm using a shareware dictionary called Yinghan, which has a speech synthesizer. The quality is not very good but it's still better than nothing. In all other respects PlecoDict easily blows Yinghan out of the water, but that one feature is enough to make me keep both programs on my Treo.

On the PocketPC, there are several talking dictionaries, e.g. the one by which includes recorded native speakers. They told me they're working on a PalmOS port but it's still many months away. PlecoDict is a much nicer product in other respects so I'd much rather you guys get there first!


Staff member
Thanks for the feedback!

1. There actually used to be a "clear input field on lang. switch" option which wasn't always enabled, I'm not sure why it's not in Beta 2... that wouldn't completely fix this but it would improve matters a little bit at least.

2. We actually don't have access to the database (it's encrypted and we don't know how to access it, part of the handwriting recognition package we licensed from Motorola) - we are, however, working on our own database of stroke data and we're hoping to have a feature like this in PlecoDict 2.0.

3. We got 80% of the way to implementing this with PlecoDict 1.0 (all of the native-speaker speech samples are cleaned up and sitting in a folder on my hard drive), we just didn't have time to do that last 20%, but this is at the top of the list of likely new features in 1.1.
mikelove said:
3. We got 80% of the way to implementing this ...

Good to hear that this feature is likely to come with v1.1. Just out of curiousity: will there be different speakers available, say Bejing and Shanghai pronounciation of Putonghua? Last time I was in Shanghai a taxi driver had problems understanding me because he spoke such a terrible putonghua ("s" instead of "sh", et cetera)... I felt like being in a Monty Pyton sketch.


Staff member
The samples we currently have are Beijing-accented, but we certainly might try to add another set before we actually release 1.1 (which may be quite a few months, since we're planning to do the Pocket PC version first).