Import of Flash Cards/生词 from "Chinesisch für Deutsche 1"


I intend to import a complete set of flash cards/生词 from the German textbook "Chinesisch für Deutsche 1" into Pleco. What I found is a PDF document on the German website "" containing text information and flash cards to be cut out and used as paper flash cards. My attempts were not successful.

Is it in principle possible to import vocabularies from a PDF like mine into Pleco?
How does the import work?

On the other hand it wood be sufficient, if I could select a list of 生词 according to my Chinese/German textbook out of the present number of 4895 生词 in my Pleco to learn and work with.

I would be very grateful to receive advice from you.

Thanks in.advance


Staff member
There's no way to do an automated import from a PDF at the moment. Two strategies I can think of:

1) If you have an iPhone/iPad, and the PDF contains electronic text (can highlight words in it on your desktop) and/or is of sufficiently high resolution/quality for our OCR system to recognize characters in it, you can open the file in our document reader and then add words from it to flashcards one at a time (tap on the + button).

2) Convert the PDF to a text file on your desktop ( would probably work if it contains electronic text, otherwise you'd need a desktop Chinese OCR app) and reformat that for a Pleco flashcard import (characters<tab>pinyin<tab>definition, one item per line).


I have the flashcards for volume 1 and 2 and could send them to you via Mike.
I am Alex. I am also desperately Looking for the "chinesisch fur Deutsche 1 + 2" flash cards. Only found them for other programs but I just really like pleco. Would it be possible to receive your cards too, please?
Thank you for your help. Greetings a


I sent the cards to @mikelove.
Thank you very much! ... I went to your Profile on @mikelove, and looked there where I can download the files. ...could you give me advise on where I can find them please? I was looking quite thoroughly, but did not find anything. What mistake do I make?
Thanks and greetings,


Sorry, I made a mistake - you should find the cards now in your inbox.
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Hello everyone,

I would be really thankful if I can receive the flashcards as well.
Happy New Year to y'all!
Thank you in advance :)