Making flashcards for non-Chinese language

Hi, I’ve used Pleco for a long time to study Chinese, now I’m trying to use it for a non-Chinese language just because it’s a system I’m familiar with. It seems pretty straightforward to make a flashcard category for that language and add cards, but the one issue I have is if I enter the headword in the pronunciation field, some words will be changed automatically, e.g. “baata” is changed to “ba5a5ta5” which appears as “ba’ata” and “baato” is changed to “ba5tong5.” I wonder if it is possible to disable this auto-changing. I can get around it by entering headwords in the character field, but that gives the letters extra spacing. Ideally I’d be able to enter them in the pronunciation field. Thanks!


Staff member
If you enter a @ at the start of the pronunciation field, that should prevent it from converting to Pinyin.

Alternatively, you could turn on the option in settings to enable English-Chinese flash cards and create them as those instead.