Managing USR entries

I am new to Plecodict, and have now used it for 1 week. Excellent product. But, questions re. USR dictionary:

a. I have added about 1000 words which is my vocabulary list from prior Chinese lessons. Have imported them with import from the Manage Flashcards menu. Question: after having edited some entries in the USR dictionary, I want to export them again, edit them on the PC and reimport them to USR. How do I do this without creating duplicate entries in USR?

b. how do I export the flashcard statistics to my PC?

Thx and best regards,



Staff member
I'm afraid I don't have good news for you on either of these topics; we don't yet offer the option to export and re-import custom dictionary entries (except as flashcards), and we don't offer the option to export flashcard statistics either. Both of these are likely additions in a future release, but neither one is available now.
