Merged Old & New HSK Flashcards


There are numerous HSK (汉语水平考试) flashcard sets circulating around, either for the current version of the test, or the pre-2010 one, and now here's my take on it. The principal idea is to have just a single HSK list starting with all the vocabulary for the new version, and then separate categories for the extra words that were dropped in 2010, all split by the proficiency level.

The rationale. It probably makes the most sense to start with the vocabulary for the new version but the lists for the previous format were more extensive, so it would be worthy to check them out as well, eventually. As many entries overlap between the two, going through each list separately would be suboptimal.

Entry formatting:
  • The new-format list is based on Lingomi, while the old one comes from HSK Flashcards.
  • The definitions were removed, as they're inferior to what can be achieved by linking the entries to dictionaries within Pleco. While it would make sense to have custom definitions for the entries, this would probably work best by exporting the linked dictionary entries and removing superfluous information, keeping the length to a minimum.
  • The headwords were standardized to include both simplified and traditional variants.
  • The pronunciation was standardized to include only pinyin with numbers and no other characters (such as spaces or hyphens).
  • Entries with variant readings given in parentheses were either split in two, or only one of the variants was kept, so that no parentheses remain in the list.
  • In a few cases, corrections were made to fix pinyin errors and replace wrongly used characters with the proper ones.
Categorization. The set includes six HSK/Level n categories for the new (current) HSK word lists, and an additional four HSK/Extra c categories, where c can be Basic, Elementary, Intermediate or Advanced, for the old HSK format (also referred to as levels 1-4). The flashcards are incremental, in that no words overlap between categories. They're intended to be studied in the following order:
HSK Level 1 → … → HSK Level 6 →
→ HSK Extra Basic → HSK Extra Elementary → HSK Extra Intermediate → HSK Extra Advanced

Each category specifically excludes any words that appeared in any of the previous categories.

A note on ellipses. The source lists include some entries with ellipses (…). These are not really words but rather grammar patterns to be studied. As I believe having them in the main flashcard list can be problematic, all the entries with ellipses were moved to a separate file, HSK Ellipses.txt. The only other file in the archive, HSK.txt, is the one you generally want to import.

Updates. The first version of this list appeared on May 28, 2015 and includes 9428 unique entries. This is the most recent version.

Sharing. Feel free to redistribute these files as long as you don't charge any money for them but please provide a reference to the original thread on this forum (, so that all the users can learn about the most up-to-date version. Please report any errors back in this thread, so that the quality can be improved for everyone. Enjoy!

Please note that the list has not been extensively tested, as I've just finished making it, and plan to use it at a later date. That being said, I believe the quality should not be worse than any other HSK list out there. Please feel free to make any improvements and post them back in this thread.


  • Merged HSK (2015-05 Update).zip
    106.7 KB · Views: 1,774