

Hi Mike

In 'New Flashcard Session' under the 'test setup' tab there are 4 levels of card content test setting based on the card's score. Just 4? I had about 15 ranks set up on Pleco 1 determining what was being tested. Is there any way to do this on the new system?




I had a query about that a while ago. The answer was that 4 is all you get, at least for now. Maybe it'll be changed in a post-2.0 release.


Staff member
Yeah, at the moment that's all that's available - we really didn't think anyone would mind, since there were so few field options in 1.0 it seemed unlikely anybody would have a system that needed more than 4 sets of them. But not hard to fix later on, just need to make an extra dialog box and tweak a couple of flashcard system variables.


That would be nice, Mike. It was a post by Koreth explaining how to use the old repetition-spacing system that I tried out years ago and found really useful. The post is at: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=614&p=3613&hilit=+#p3613 and I know you made a decision to change the repetition-spacing somewhat but the part that is relevant to what I was asking is (and to quote Koreth):

One other thing I do that I think makes testing more effective: I vary what I'm being tested on as cards move up in rank. In rank 1 I'm shown the Pinyin and definition and have to write the word. In rank 2 I'm shown the characters and have to say the word and the definition. I alternate those except for ranks 6, 8, and 11, where I'm just shown the definition and have to write the characters and say the word. That way I have at least some ability to come at a word from any angle (hearing it, seeing it, or needing to say it myself when I want to express something.) You can adjust that in "Test Settings" by setting "Display fields: By Rank" and hitting the Setup button. The "Test" line for each rank is what you're shown when you're being quizzed, and the "Show" line is what you're shown when you reveal the card. I have all my "Show" lines set to show everything.

and that I found was quite effective but would need more than just the 4 levels in Pleco 2, especially as there is more content to test on with the audio too now.


What I generally find works best for me is, for self-scored, Head + Pron -> Pron + Def -> Head -> Def, with a button added to play the audio after the card's revealed. Adjust scores to suit.


I've only been using Pleco for about 2 months now and haven't yet played with the ranking or alternating testing but done it manually on my own. It's been a while since I last switched, but I've alternated between "show definition: write & say word" and "say word: write and think definition" and "headword: say word and think definition" -- sounds similar to the categories everyone else uses :). I'm going to have to give the ranks a try -- definitely will prevent me from getting fat and lazy with one type of encounter.


Yes, it's very useful. I found having many ranks great because it literally was fire-and-forget. I went through the process of setting it up using everything Pleco 1 had to offer in its testing and used that config for a good year or so. Pleco 2 has rather a lot more in the way of possible tests it can run, so expanded rank-defined testing would be all the more useful IMO.