Red vs White


I just found in my Program menu that in the latest version 2.0.3 of Pleco, there's a red icon called "Plecolaunch" featuring the Chinese character for "Open" besides the usual white icon "Pleco" featuring the Chinese character for "Fish". What's the difference between these two? Which one should I use to start Pleco?


Staff member
PlecoLaunch is used to look up words in other applications on your handheld - if you assign PlecoLaunch to one of your handheld's hardware buttons (through the "Buttons" control panel), you can highlight a piece of text in another application (email, browser, etc) and press that hardware button to instantly pop up a definition for it in Pleco.

If there's no text selected, though, PlecoLaunch does exactly the same thing that the regular white Pleco icon does, so you might as well just tap on that white icon.


With the slight difference that PlecoLaunch (the red icon) will load up slightly faster than the white icon. It's not a huge difference on newer devices (maybe a second or two), but I imagine it's rather more noticeable on older devices.