Regarding the default PLC Dictionary


Greetings. I am writing to enquire as to the number of entries in the default, built-in dictionary. I am quite amazed at how comprehensive it is, as it seems to include quite a large number of technical and modern terminology that almost makes me wonder whether the additional dictionaries are necessary for me. How extensive is it in fact, in terms of sheer entry size? I am aware it doesn't contain a great deal of foreign proper nouns (like names from Greek Mythology and celebrities etc.), but I can see myself going far into the advanced stages of Chinese without needing recourse to any other dictionary, at least not for every day terminology and, as mentioned, even a good deal of technical vocabulary.

So, out of curiosity, I would like to ask:

1) How many entries does the PLC Dictionary contain?

2) What do you think of it as the main dictionary for your studies? Does it suffice for you?

This is a fantastic product, truly remarkable, and has massively cut down on the time I would need to look up words. The convenience in portability of this product as used with the iPhone cannot be overstated. Thank you producing it!



Assuming you want answers from more than Mike Love for this question...
chrisnz said:
2) What do you think of it as the main dictionary for your studies? Does it suffice for you?
I mainly use PLC and ABC, and occasionally Tuttle. Sometimes PLC can be a bit too verbose or not have the word/phrase for which I'm looking, while ABC is more concise and seems to have more entries.

No reason you can't run with PLC and only get ABC if you find you keep looking up words and not finding them.

You may also want to get the free CEDICT dictionary.