SC-TOP Huayu Test New Edition Levels 1-5


I saw this board was lacking flashcards for the complete and new version of the TOP which is coming up soon, Nov. 3! Anyways I desperately need to study and I'm guess you do too so I've put together all the vocabulary lists provided by the SC-TOP into one easy flashcard file. The SC-TOP provides this list in .xml format which can be found here: I've taken it to the next logical step and put it into a flashcard format that Pleco can easily import, at least it did so on my iPhone. Most cards in this file include the part of speech and the definition provided by the SC-TOP. Where it doesn't provide definitions, Pleco can be set up to automatically use definitions from other dictionaries. This list covers all levels from 1-5 and is arranged according to the SC-TOP's new difficulty scheme. More info on that can be found here: Note the file contains over 8000 words so it may take a few minutes for Pleco to complete the import.

If you find any errors please let me know!

Hope this helps and 學習愉快!



  • 中文能力測試 TOP.txt
    365.5 KB · Views: 5,913

Jim Kay

I saw this board was lacking flashcards for the complete and new version of the TOP which is coming up soon, Nov. 3! Anyways I desperately need to study and I'm guess you do too so I've put together all the vocabulary lists provided by the SC-TOP into one easy flashcard file. The SC-TOP provides this list in .xml format which can be found here: I've taken it to the next logical step and put it into a flashcard format that Pleco can easily import, at least it did so on my iPhone. Most cards in this file include the part of speech and the definition provided by the SC-TOP. Where it doesn't provide definitions, Pleco can be set up to automatically use definitions from other dictionaries. This list covers all levels from 1-5 and is arranged according to the SC-TOP's new difficulty scheme. More info on that can be found here: Note the file contains over 8000 words so it may take a few minutes for Pleco to complete the import.

If you find any errors please let me know!

Hope this helps and 學習愉快!


Thank you very much for pulling all this data together and posting it. I know it involves a lot of work.

Since you asked about errors, there are a few.

1. I don't really understand the reason for the "C" column which does not contain any data. BUT there are about 200 items that are missing a tab character so all that data is shifted left one column ("C" is missing.)
2. There are a few hundred occurrences of invalid versions of some third-tone characters: ŭ ŏ ĭ ă which LOOK more or less OK, but computers (Pleco for example) do not recognize them.
3. There is one rather cute pinyin: lìàng containing two tone marks (an obvious error) only the à is correct.

I have corrected all of these errors and put the new version at:中文能力測試 TOP.txt

(I apologize for the ugly reformatting this message system has imposed on the URL. Your original file name with a .txt extension works equally well.)

You are welcome to copy the corrected file AND you are welcome to repost it here as your own; my contribution is relatively minor.

Jim Kay