Some flash cards never appearing


I'm using the time filter "last reviewed not within 2 weeks" in a profile to look at flash cards which I haven't seen in a while. In the Advanced Settings I have random card selection, and only change once per day. In this profile I look for all cards.

In another profile, I'm using "frequency adjust" to select the cards. In this profile I limit the number of cards to 30.

Both profiles use the same category and the same scorefile.

My problem is that certain cards are never being displayed, in either profile. If I look at the "info" for these cards, I see that they have never been reviewed.

I'm using v2.0.1, and the flash cards were partly imported from a V1 system, and partly added in V2.0 and V2.0.1.

Any thoughts?

Thanks for a truly wonderful product!



Staff member
It may be because pieces of those cards are missing, e.g. definitions - check the "Allow missing sections" box in the "Tests" section of Advanced Settings and that should get those cards to still appear in self-scored sessions at least.

If that doesn't help, have you changed any other settings from their default values? Is the "limit unlearned cards" option enabled, for example? (it is by default, but with it enabled a lot of cards naturally wouldn't be reviewed for a while)



Thanks for your response. "Allow Missing Sections" was checked for both profiles, and "Limit Unlearned Cards" was checked for the "frequency adjust" profile. I've cleared that now.

Here's an experiment I tried - I have a category of cards which I have never tested myself on, i.e.they are cards which I mean to get to in the future. So, they have never been reviewed, have a score of 100 and a record of 0-0.

I did a flash card session using the filter for cards "not reviewed in the last two weeks", and did all the cards. I repeated the session, and confirmed that there were now no cards in that profile.

I then edited the category of one of the not-yet-seen cards to take it out of the pending category and put it into the category of cards which I am working on. I then repeated the session using the "not reviewed in the last two weeks" filter, and the new card didn't show up (no cards showed, as before). Is it possible that this filter requires a card to have a defined last reviewed date in order to select the card?



Staff member
That's a good theory, we'll have to check it - certainly could be a glitch in the SQLite query somewhere that would cause cards that had never been reviewed to be excluded in that filter.


Good - thanks, Mike. Good to know that it wasn't finger trouble at this end. Also, I must thank you for making me aware of SQLite - I have a couple of projects coming up that might benefit from it. I'm very impressed at how you are using it in Pleco.



Staff member
No problem! I was amazed when I first discovered SQLite years ago, perhaps a bit too much so since in hindsight it was a terrible decision to use it on Palm OS - on Windows Mobile it's been fantastic and I wish we'd used it in 1.0 too, but on Palm the memory / filesystem integrity requirements are simply too much for the system to comfortably handle.