Stroke order flashcard issue: Limit no. of cards


I'm testing stroke orders on my iPod touch and for some reason I cannot figure out why my test is limited to only 10 cards. There are 81 cards in this particular deck that I made myself. I made the no. of cards available 'All' and a second time 'Unlimited' just to see if that setting was the culprit. No dice. I have no filters on. Regarding the 'Card Selection' tab, things read like this:
- Random
- ON
- 50%

I'm not sure where else in the test's settings I can look to change something. I in turn selected a much larger deck, wth a about 200 cards in it, and the no. of available cards in the stroke order test jumped only to 46, with the previously-mentioned settings on. Suggestions?



Staff member
makingit said:
I'm testing stroke orders on my iPod touch and for some reason I cannot figure out why my test is limited to only 10 cards. There are 81 cards in this particular deck that I made myself. I made the no. of cards available 'All' and a second time 'Unlimited' just to see if that setting was the culprit. No dice. I have no filters on. Regarding the 'Card Selection' tab, things read like this:
- Random
- ON
- 50%

I'm not sure where else in the test's settings I can look to change something. I in turn selected a much larger deck, wth a about 200 cards in it, and the no. of available cards in the stroke order test jumped only to 46, with the previously-mentioned settings on. Suggestions?

Two possible explanations:

1) Stroke order tests only support single characters; this is because progress-tracking for stroke order on multi-character cards would be meaningless, you'd end up practicing a specific character much more often than you needed to. Most flashcard lists seem to already include single-character entries for every character they use, but we're working on a feature to automatically generate cards for those that don't; in the meantime, though, it's actually pretty easy to generate a list like that in a text editor from an exported flashcard file; if you let me know whether you're on a Mac or a PC I can send you some instructions.

2) "Limit # of unlearned" might be enabled in Flashcard Testing / Card Selection (it's on by default). That feature limits the number of new cards Pleco will show you at any given time in order to avoid overwhelming you with new vocabulary.


mikelove said:
makingit said:
I'm testing stroke orders on my iPod touch and for some reason I cannot figure out why my test is limited to only 10 cards. There are 81 cards in this particular deck that I made myself. I made the no. of cards available 'All' and a second time 'Unlimited' just to see if that setting was the culprit. No dice. I have no filters on. Regarding the 'Card Selection' tab, things read like this:
- Random
- ON
- 50%

I'm not sure where else in the test's settings I can look to change something. I in turn selected a much larger deck, wth a about 200 cards in it, and the no. of available cards in the stroke order test jumped only to 46, with the previously-mentioned settings on. Suggestions?

Two possible explanations:

1) Stroke order tests only support single characters; this is because progress-tracking for stroke order on multi-character cards would be meaningless, you'd end up practicing a specific character much more often than you needed to. Most flashcard lists seem to already include single-character entries for every character they use, but we're working on a feature to automatically generate cards for those that don't; in the meantime, though, it's actually pretty easy to generate a list like that in a text editor from an exported flashcard file; if you let me know whether you're on a Mac or a PC I can send you some instructions.

2) "Limit # of unlearned" might be enabled in Flashcard Testing / Card Selection (it's on by default). That feature limits the number of new cards Pleco will show you at any given time in order to avoid overwhelming you with new vocabulary.

Sorry to drag up an old thread, but I'd like to have those instructions for how to generate such a single-character list. I'm on a Mac, and I've downloaded Pleco's HSK flashcards (old and new). Thanks!


Staff member
Valentin said:
Sorry to drag up an old thread, but I'd like to have those instructions for how to generate such a single-character list. I'm on a Mac, and I've downloaded Pleco's HSK flashcards (old and new). Thanks!

No need, we've actually got pre-made files for the new HSK at least:




  • hsk-new-111221-chars-sc.txt
    12.9 KB · Views: 904
  • hsk-new-111221-chars-tc.txt
    13 KB · Views: 893
I would like to know how to generate a single-character list. Though I am learning the HSK words, I am learning them from a textbook that introduces them as 'wordlists' unique to the textbook, which my university covers week-by-week. I have these wordlists saved as categories, and the cards of each wordlist filed under the category. I would like to know how to duplicate the wordlists such that the multi-character cards appear as separate, single-character entries.


Staff member
OK, then:

1) Get a text editor that supports Regular Expressions - we recommend the paid EmEditor (really great for large / Asian-language files) but if you want a free one Notepad++ is quite popular too.

2) Export your Pleco flashcards to a text file and copy it to your computer.

3) Do a find-and-replace in that file with regular expressions enabled, with the "find" expression:


and the "replace" expression blank.

4) Do another find-and-replace, with the "find":

and the "replace" again blank.

5) Do another find-and-replace, with "find":


and "replace":


Repeat that find-and-replace 7 or 8 times and that should convert all of your multi-character cards into single-character ones.

6) Reimport that file into Pleco - it'll automatically merge any characters that end up duplicated.