Taiwanese pronounciation?


PlecoDict is great but I need Taiwanese pronounciations.
Is this possible or in the plans?

Alternatively, is there any product that has Taiwanese pronounciations where I can input zhuyin or pinyin two-word phrases (die2 dao3, for example) and have the characters come out exactly as in plecodict?

All Taiwanese dictionaries lack this functionality. I can input pinyin, but then a list of characters pop up that I can't read. I'd have to put in die2 and a list of characters I can't read pops up. Then I'd have to put in dao3, and I can't read any of those characters either. But with plecodict, if I put in the phrase die2dao3 (Taiwanese pronounciation), there comes my word! (btw, I think it's die1 dao3 in mainland China. I learned there were diff pronounciations after I kept saying "die1 dao3" when in Taiwan).


Pleco 2.0 is coming out with the potential for Zhuyin. If you're really keen, have a look at the Beta for 2.0. Whether the pronunciations are exactly correct is another matter, but it does allow for Zhuyin :).