Too many flashcards in HSK1


Hi all,

Does anyone know how to separate out the 1000+ cards in HSK1 into 50 card chunks? The problem I'm having is that 1000 cards is too many for me to memorize at once. I do much better when I only have to study 50 at a time.



too many cards

Dear Reader,

Yes, I agree. I posted the same question some time ago, but there was no easy solution. I think we will have to wait until Pleco releases some pc tools that we can use to divide them up into bite sized chunks. By the way, HSK1 is the smallest, HSK 2 and 3 have about 2000 flashcards each and HSK 4 has over 3500.

You can limit the number of cards you review to 50, but since the cards come out in random order, tomorrow you will get a different set of 50 cards. Not appropriate for what we are trying to do.



Staff member
Yes, I'm afraid there won't be any easy way to do this until a future update. You might be able to pull this off by playing some tricks with the Rank system, though. Reset all cards to rank 1, then set cards to advance to the next rank after 1 correct answer "in a row", then start a session with a limit of 50 cards; mark each of those cards correct. Then, go into Card Settings and set it to only review cards of rank 2 or above. Now you'll only get those 50 cards in each review session. You can go back and set the rank system to advance cards to the next rank after 3 in a row or whatever other threshhold you like, just make sure that you keep the "Retreat" checkbox in Rank Settings unchecked so that those 50 cards won't be returned to the larger pool. Once you've memorized that set of cards, go back to the 1-correct-in-a-row setting, configure Card Settings to only review cards of rank 1, start another session with 50 randomly selected cards, and mark each of those correct, then set Card Settings back to rank 2 or above and you'll have another set of cards to review.
Stacks of 50

I believe there is a simpler way to do it: set your review session to 50 cards. Review these 50 cards. Then limit your cards to those reviewed after the day/time you started the review. Study these cards until they advance to a rank that is acceptable to you. Then limit the ranks you review to, say, 1. Review another 50 cards. Now again limit the cards to those reviewed after the day/time you started reviewing these etc... .


Staff member
Yep, that would definitely do it. Sorry I didn't think of that - I suppose it's a testament to the power of our flashcard system that its lead designer couldn't come up with the most efficient way to do something :D


too many cards

Dear Reader,

Yes, ithat's clever. And if that were the only list I was using, that would work.

But I have many lists comprising many, many thousands of words. When I get a new list, I just turn that one one also, adding those works to my existing words. I use interval spacing with increasing spacing up to 6 months.

I think I need an easy way to break my big list up into smaller pieces.



If you have those lists on the computer, why don't you just use a text editor to divide them up?


big flashcard lists

Dear Gato,

Yes, you are right. That seems to be the only reasonable way to solve this problem.

From reading all the posts, it sounds like I need to export the cards to disk, use a special editor that doesn't insert hidden characters, be very careful with formatting, and use the appropriate encoding scheme. All in all, a lot of places to go wrong and potentially waste hours that I would rather use for studying.

I think I'll wait and see if anything is released that will make this easier.

Or, maybe some day, someone that wants smaller HSK lists, and has more technical mastery than I have, will break the HSK flashwards into bite sized pieces and repost them for those of us that are a bit technically challenged.




If all you want to do is to review only, say, 50 cards at a time until you memorize them, there's a way to do this without a break up the lists.

Go to the Card Setting for flashcard (p. 53 of manual).
- Here you can set "Sort by" to "creation date". This will fix the problem of cards showing up in random order.
- Set Mode to "Fixed # of Cards" and "50" (or however many cards you want to review).
- Set Limit Ranks to "1 through 1" (I use rank 1 to indicate cards I have not memorized, yet).

Then go to Rank Setting
- Set "Advance to next rank after" to "3 correct in a row." This will require you get the card right three times in a row before its rank advances by 1. In other words, when a card goes from rank 1 to 2, you will have gotten it right three times in a row.
- Set "Retreat' to "1" so that a card will go a rank immediately after you get it wrong once.

That's it. Ignore the rest of the settings for Card, Rank, and Flag.

I think these setting will satisfy most people. I think the flashcard interface can be slimmed down considerably. In particular, the repetition spacing settings are very confusing. I doubt many people are able to use it for its intended effect. In fact, I think using the settings I describe above to study a relatively small set of cards over and over again until you memorize them is the most efficient way to learn.


big flashcard lists

Dear Gato,

Thank you for your continued concern.

I do understand your methodology and yes, it would work.

On the other hand, I love the repetition spacing, and use repetion spacing for thousands upon thousands of words. Every time I get a new textbook, I add all the new words, and review them with repetition spacing.

Your technique would work, but would require that I abandon my use of repetition spacing. So I have to make a decision. Change to your method of learning, or use the repetition spacing that I know is effective for me.

I choose to continue to use the repetition spacing; and some day I'll tackle that 3500 plus HSK 4.



Why not create a new list. Call it "HSK learned" or something like that. Then open the first "HSK1" list and just move 50 or so words over to the "HSK learned" list one at time. That really shouldn't take too long. Using this method you could make your smaller lists one at a time right on the Palm, without any extra tools.