TOP ( Test Of Proficiency-Hanyu , Taiwan)


On this topic are talks and share about TOP ( Test Of Proficiency-Hanyu), a Taiwanese version of the HSK.

The official list of Words by level is there:
* List of Words: Beginners.pdf (800)
* List of Words: Basic.pdf (~1.600)
* List of Words: Intermediate.pdf (~3.400)
* List of Words: Advanced.pdf (~2.800)

Directly using them I spent the afternoon [and actually, a good part of the evening too] ), I created the following Flashcard list file, to copy to your memory card, see joint files.

TOP Flascards, the 4 levels :
* TOP level 01: Begginers, ~900 entries. (utf-8)
* TOP level 02: Basic, ~1550 entries. (utf-8)
* TOP level 03: Intermediate, ~3450 entries. (utf-8)
* TOP level 04: Advanced, ~3000 entries. (utf-8)


  • TOP 02 bas-u.txt
    21.3 KB · Views: 1,859
  • TOP 01 beg-u.txt
    12.3 KB · Views: 2,055


and 3, 4.


  • TOP 04 adv-u.txt
    49.4 KB · Views: 1,946
  • TOP 03 int-u.txt
    51.3 KB · Views: 1,888


Produce more free dictionaries
If you are skilled in Chinese and not a native English speaker, I encourage to open such .txt files on your PC, and to start a word-by-word translation. English (CEDICT, Oxford, ...) and German ( 's HanDeDict) already have great dictionaries.
I'm myself working to produce a 3.000 entries Chinese-French dictionary under free license CC-BY-SA. This by opening such .txt list on my PC, and adding a French field. such as: 昨天 zuótiān /hier/

Help are welcome to create Chinese-Italian, Chinese-Spanish, Chinese-Porduguese, etc... free dictionaries.

If need, please contact me on Hugo dot LPZ on the mail service provide by google.


Thanks to yug for creating these lists - I used them successfully to help me pass the Intermediate (now called Superior) level. Couldn't have done it without Pleco and the TOCFL vocab lists here.
This is an old post and now they have changed the name of the test as well as the levels. It is now called the TOCFL (Test Of Chinese as a Foreign Language - ). On their website they have word lists for levels 2-5 (oddly there is no level 1 word list).

My questions is: Have the words changed at all?