Upgrade from WM to iOS (iPod Touch G5 or iPAD2


I have looked through the forum and cannot see anything along this line, but appologies if this has already been answered.
I currently use a Windows Mobile for MP3 of Chinese Pod saved on device and Pleco for Dictionary / Flash Cards / Doc Reader (primarily for the lyrics - transcript of the CPod). I will upgrade to iOS, But iPad2 or the new soon to arrive iPod Touch G5 (hopefully with auto focus). I hope to use the OCR for Character scanning from books. I have no requirement for phone capabilities.
Does the iPad have functions to utilise the larger screen size, or is it simply everthing bigger?
I have BIG fingers, so the bigger KB layout for normal text input would be easier on an iPad,.......



My simple question still stands, though many other questions have been addressed.
"What is possible (or better because of the larger screen) with Pleco on iPad2 than iPod Touch?"
Please tell me - is it customisable on screen settings on iPad to utilise the larger screen?


Staff member
TallDave said:
"What is possible (or better because of the larger screen) with Pleco on iPad2 than iPod Touch?"

There aren't any actual iPad-specific features, but a number of things are resized or rearranged to work better: for example, on the iPad by default the main dictionary search screen has a list of search results on the left of the screen and the definition on the right, whereas the iPhone version only works this way in landscape orientation (and even then it's a little cramped). The larger screen also makes tapping on words to look them up in the document reader and in dictionary entries a lot easier - bigger characters are easier to hit accurately.

The iPad 2's camera doesn't support autofocus, so it's no good for live OCR, but the large screen is very helpful for still image OCR (with images loaded from a computer or an external digital camera).