Upgrade to Pleco Dictionary


I hope not to belabor this question, please forgive me. I use the Oxford EC Dict everyday and I need a more extensive dictionary. If I upgrade to Pleco Dictionary do I have to pay the full price of $99 or just the difference? Also with Pleco Dict do I get to switch between the three dictionaries i.e. Oxford, American, & NWP? Also does Pleco D interpret phrases or longer groups of characters?

U have a great product, everyone in my class has it. You certainly are the Huangdi of portable Chinese to English translation software.



Staff member
The price for upgrading is equal to the full price of the new dictionary (or dictionaries) minus $20, so you would pay $60 for the ABC, $30 for the NWP, or $80 for the two together. (these are listed in the store as the "upgrade" versions)

We don't currently offer phrase support, but we do support multi-character idioms at least.

And thanks!