3.2.0 Bug Report / Feedback Thread


Reproducible flashcard crash.
In a flashcard session:
1) Click on the arrow tab
2) Clik on th undo card score button
3) Really quickly: Click on the incorrect button, then immediately click on the light bulb tab
4) Crash


Staff member
@ACardiganAndAFrown - Yeah, this is kind of a damned if we do/don't situation - there's one bug that can cause random crashes when going into / out of views too quickly and another bug that can cause the navigation bar to occasionally fail to update with the correct contents, and making one bug occur less often generally makes the other one occur more often. (they're both primarily iOS' fault, so a perfect fix for both isn't really possible) We'll keep poking away at it, though.

@Alexis - I can't seem to reproduce this one here - current iOS version / iDevice model?


iOS8 8.1.3 / iPad Mini 2. I think you have to do it fast enough so that the 'incorrect/correct/leave unscored' popup is still visible when you press the question mark tab.
When I perform a search using a combination of @+py+hanzi, it seems to only show results in my user dictionaries.

Screenshot 1: 守身如玉: looking up @@ru玉 only shows results in MoE and LA (both user dicts), but not in CC, PLC and all other dicts.
Screenshot 2: looking up @@如玉, however, works.


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Staff member
That's an indexing issue - for space-saving reasons our dictionary index doesn't supporting mixing characters / pinyin too far into a word. Adding a filter to fetch these entries in the absence of an index is on our to-do list, but I think it's been 2-3 years since somebody last mentioned this problem so it's not a very high priority.


Staff member
Thanks - definitely happier to have these brought up than not, both because very often they turn out to actually be new bugs and because even when they're not they generally help bump issues up our priority list / keep them from fading entirely.


Staff member
We'll probably submit it in about 2 weeks; thanks to some recent issues with extremely slow App Review times, we're very very wary of adding new bugs in an update, so pretty much every change that we can possibly test on Android first is getting tested on Android first.

It's actually almost a 3.3 update, we've added a couple of nifty new features along the way (things that happened to be in a releasable state), e.g.:
  • Added (at long last!) the ability to customize the sort order of categories in Organize Cards. Tap on the sort button next to the magnifying glass button at the top of Organize to enable this. You can sort by anything that you can sort by in Search Cards, can apply a change to a individual category or to a category and all of its children, and can convert a fixed sort order to a custom one if you want to for example sort all of your cards by Pinyin but then adjust that order a bit.
  • Added a brand new search filtering feature for Chinese searches (characters + pronunciation included); to use it, just put a # followed by an English word (or phrase) after the Chinese portion of your search. This will filter the results to only include entries in which that English word / phrase appears. For example, “gao#tall” will return only characters pronounced “gao” with “tall” in their definitions. Prefix searches are supported - “ji#chicken” will match not only “ji” but also “jia,” “jian,” etc - so if you want to limit it to just the exact search term you entered, put a space before the #.
  • Added a brand new backup / restore mechanism for settings (including dictionary order + dictionary groups) and history (including your dictionary, reader, and OCR history and your recent clipboard reader clippings); it’s listed at the bottom of Settings. This exports data in relatively clean XML, so it’s hackable, and one type of hack that might be particularly useful would be to export just your color settings, remove any that are not tone colors, and distribute that file as a sort of “tone color profile” which others can use. (we’ll be doing a whole lot more with this in future releases) The format is fully cross-platform, so as of our next iOS update it should also be possible to migrate your settings and history from one platform to the other.
  • Added a ‘show in dictionary’ icon to the top of the flashcard test screen - tap on this button to instantly bring up a dictionary definition screen for the current card. A cool extra feature of this is that it’ll also let you rapidly flick through your history of recently reviewed cards in this test via the scroll buttons at the top right corner of the screen.
  • Made search results from custom dictionary groups only show definitions from dictionaries in that group in the definition screen (rather than aggregating definitions from all dictionaries).
  • Made user dictionaries and flashcards correctly support digits in headwords (useful for old SMS expressions, military unit numbers, etc).
  • Added a “tone skip character” - an inverted question mark ¿ - for user dictionary and flashcard headword and pinyin readings; this is basically a placeholder that eats up a syllable/character on the opposite side, so that tone colors will match up even if (say) you include the number 23 (two characters) in the headword versus the three syllables er-shi-san (you’d write it as 2¿3), or if you have a character with no reading (put a ¿ in its place in the pinyin field) or a reading with no character (put a ¿ in its place in the headword field).
The filtering is going to be get considerably more emphasis in the next few updates, we're hoping to have part-of-speech filtering working as of 3.3 with its totally revamped and part-of-speech-equipped PLC dictionary.
  • Added a brand new search filtering feature for Chinese searches (characters + pronunciation included); to use it, just put a # followed by an English word (or phrase) after the Chinese portion of your search. This will filter the results to only include entries in which that English word / phrase appears. For example, “gao#tall” will return only characters pronounced “gao” with “tall” in their definitions. Prefix searches are supported - “ji#chicken” will match not only “ji” but also “jia,” “jian,” etc - so if you want to limit it to just the exact search term you entered, put a space before the #.

That's absolutely amazing.
@ACardiganAndAFrown - thanks! Getting the groundwork in place for this sort of filtering is going to make a lot of other cool stuff possible in the future.

I always hoped there would be wildcards for English. A lot of English phrases get split with I/you/he/she/me/whatever, like "to burn ones bridges" for example you might have a lot of sample sentence or translated sample sentences but to find them you would need a "burn @ bridges" sort of search (or full search #burn @ bridges).

Maybe this already exists and I'm totally out of the loop, but how possible would this kind of filter be?


Staff member
Very possible, actually - in fact, with our current indexing system it would be easier than searching for two words that *aren't* split. Just a problem of coming up with a good search syntax for it (which is really the biggest issue with our filtering system plans in general now).


Sometimes after opening a PDF, Pleco reader will become unresponsive for 3-5 seconds. For example, pinch-to-zoom, dragging, etc., produces no response. I wish I could give more details, but there really aren't any. This is just something that happens once in a while. This is in Pleco 3.2.4, iOS 8.2, iPad Air 2.



Staff member
Thanks - looks like this may be an iOS 8.2 issue in our PDF reader library, which will be fixed as soon as we release our next update (with a newer version of that library).


Minor bug. Go to latest Pleco and search for the character 彐. Then hit the "Char" tab and scroll down until you get to the character 绿. The character display is Half-and-half colored to match neutral and fourth tone, and the umlaut is shifted to the left. See attached picture.


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Paul Duke

Quick suggestion: I really wish there were a "go to dictionary entry" button available in the flashcards module. Very often I've put a word in flashcards because the definition is unusual or subtle and I need to read a couple of different dictionary entries to really understand it. Or I really want to see the sentence examples, which are not always shown in the flashcard reveal.

As of now, (assuming I'm correct -- big assumption) I have to highlight one character, then hit the arrow button a couple of times to highlight the whole word, then hit the go to dictionary button.

For instance, from the flashcard reveal for 虚张声势 I have to tap five times in different areas of the screen to get to the dictionary entry screen.

Is there already a quicker way to do that?


Tiny Bug:
Organize Cards -> Select some category -> Edit -> All -> Move -> Select the same category -> Bug: Cards are not selected anymore but button in lower right still says "None", should go back to "All"


Staff member
@Paul Duke - we've already added that for our next update (3.2.5). You can drag the selection handle to go from 1 to 4 characters a little bit faster in the meantime.

@wibr - thanks!