How to change chinese tones signs from numbers to characters

Please I would like to know how to change Chinese tone signs from numbers to characters during exportation in txt mode. For example, the words 侵犯 qīn fàn , on the pinyin, it has the characters which appear correctly, however when you export it from flashcard using txt mode, the pinyin will be qin1fan4 which is numbers instead of the initial characters. I know that the 1 and 4 is still correct but it is not what we need. In ZDT flashcard, it appears correctly even after exportation.

Please how can I correct that. The attachment shows ZDT with the characters appearing correctly.


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I used long ago and remember it was quite easy to use - just a macro in Excel.
I appreciate your input. I have questions about this method. Does it mean that first I have to export to txt, then copy the file to excel for conversion and then save it again as txt. The issue here is that sometimes excel will change the chinese characters to something like ??????? which makes things more complicated.

If Pleco can be able show the better on dictionary definitions, I think it won't be difficult to export it like that instead of the 1234 method


I exported to txt, opened the txt-file with an editor, marked all, copied the marked text, and pasted it into Excel, normally without problems. After using the makro, on the way back I mark the whole Excel table, copy the text, and paste it into a new open txt-file. To save the txt-file you should use UTF-8 encoding.


Staff member
We don't export tone marks yet because we're not confident in their robustness - too much potential to get corrupted along the way (particularly if they end up going back and forth between Unicode and GB, say), and the most important function of our export files is to re-import correctly on the other end.

We might eventually add a 'pretty export' function of some sort if we get enough interest, but it would be wrapped in warnings that it's a one-way trip and cannot be reimported into Pleco later.
We don't export tone marks yet because we're not confident in their robustness - too much potential to get corrupted along the way (particularly if they end up going back and forth between Unicode and GB, say), and the most important function of our export files is to re-import correctly on the other end.

We might eventually add a 'pretty export' function of some sort if we get enough interest, but it would be wrapped in warnings that it's a one-way trip and cannot be reimported into Pleco later.

The reason I need this feature is because I am working on a project that makes use of the tone marks instead of the numbers. It is very important to me. Besides, if I succeed in this project, it has potential of bringing more customers to Pleco. Besides bringing Pleco some new customers, it will make will increase our account balance.


Hi, you could also use Wenlin for Mac/PC to perform this conversion--it's a one-step process.


Staff member
Yes - it's a very easy conversion to make outside of Pleco, but we're wary of supporting it in Pleco because then people will end up with garbled / unusable import files.

But thinking about it more, we don't really need a dedicated 'pretty export' feature to support this, we just need an annoying alert that pops up when you enable the option for tone mark export saying that tone marks cannot be reliably imported back into Pleco. So might be something we can add sooner rather than later.


But thinking about it more, we don't really need a dedicated 'pretty export' feature to support this, we just need an annoying alert that pops up when you enable the option for tone mark export saying that tone marks cannot be reliably imported back into Pleco. So might be something we can add sooner rather than later.

Great, I would gladly use that, it's always nice to avoid an extra step.
Yes - it's a very easy conversion to make outside of Pleco, but we're wary of supporting it in Pleco because then people will end up with garbled / unusable import files..
A little idea for tone marks, it is perhaps possible
1. to add an export option 'export file with Pleco tone marks', and
2. the import option, 'import file with tone marks created by Pleco'.


In importing a check of pinyin field in all records is forced, before importation, verifying the correctness of tone marks according to Pleco standardization.

If check fails an error message is showed, if all is ok, file with tone marks is converted in a file with tone numbers during the importation.
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