2.0.2 Beta 3 Bug Report / Feedback Thread


mikelove said:
OK, #1 at least should hopefully be fixed by the just-released Beta 4. #2 I'm not so sure about - sounds like the software might be silently crashing in the background, have you configured your PDA to display crashing error messages or to keep them silent?

Sorry, I don't know where to configure it. I just know how to configure error report to send to Microsoft. I disabled it because it is no phone and cannot send anything. Is this what you mean?


I have not fully confirmed this, but I believe that if I am running a flashcard session, and I am using a custom dictionary, then if I go to edit the card during the session (e.g., utilize ABC dictionary instead of the custom for the definition), when I move to edit the card, it does not allow me the ability to "edit" the card.


Staff member
daniel123 - that means they aren't enabled. Which is fine, actually makes the potential sources of this problem a lot clearer. Thanks!

radioman - Check the "Allow edits during sessions" box in the Flashcards panel of Preferences - this can have some unwanted side-effects (e.g. screwing up multi-choice sessions) but it's there if you're willing to risk it.


I actually did have the "allow edits" box" checked. But there are times when the program still will not allow me to edit the card. It is intermittent, and was limited to some of the cards that were using my custom dictionaries.

Not a real big deal though. I will keep an eye out for the problem and try and get more specific information.


Staff member
Hmm... well that's odd. So the "Edit Card" button didn't even show up in those cases? Are you sure these weren't just cards that hadn't been revealed yet? (you can't edit cards until they're revealed, otherwise the answer would be given away)


Not quite sure, but I do not think I was trying to edit until the card was in fact revealed. Possible though. If it happens again, I will look more closely.