Beta 8 / Release Candidate 1 Bug Report Thread

Tapcis Palm

Flashcard session is not finding cards.

Score Based, Frequency adjust, "don't repeat cards", Review at end, loop
Self scored, # of cards: 15, only one category selected (with 69 entries), card filter set to "Last Card: incorrect"

However, if a card has NEVER been asked, it isn't asking it (the answer obviously was not answered correctly), so either there are really three categories: answered correct, incorrect, not answered (which currently isn't listed), or the "incorrect" category should include non-answered.

So, either way, there's a "bug" here... :)
I don't see any way to select cards in a top level category that are NOT in a sub category. Example: Z, Z1, Z2, Z3, etc. where they all have cards. On my system, I have a lot more than that, so it's really not possible to exhaustively cross check them. The only thing I can think of is to export everything and examine the file to see what's in the "higher" level category...

So, perhaps there should be a way to select the top category without the subcategories. Currently, you always turn OFF the top category if the sub categories are turned off.


Staff member
The Duelist - how are you doing on free memory? It sounds like the journal file might be getting too big (we wrap all of those category removals up in a single transaction, which makes them a lot faster but also means temporarily there's a few MB worth of journaling data that has to go somewhere). I just tried reproducing your problem here on a T5 with plenty of memory and it seemed to work OK.

ipsi - ah, the mysteries of the Windows Mobile storage card I/O system... The disappearing card sounds like a driver issue, we've seen cards disappear a couple of times when too many files are opened / closed at once or the system's running unstable in general. If you move some of the smaller Pleco data files into internal memory that might make this a bit less likely to recur.

Missing character squares are something we can think about adding when we revamp the font system again after we drop Palm OS support - actually kind of a big addition, not because drawing them is so difficult but because of all of the other areas that would need to be checked / fixed to keep them from coming up in places where we don't want them.

kiwi123 - yeah, combining Pleco and CJKOS on an E2 is a bit iffy regardless but you can get them to work together reasonably well if you delete as many CJKOS data files as you can - it's best to limit yourself to two fonts (one character set's worth), one phrase file and a couple of input methods.

stephanhodges - that's the expected behavior with flashcard filtering, actually. Cards do indeed exist in a separate third state if they've never been tested (classifying them as correct or incorrect would cause problems with some people's study systems), but we didn't want to include that state in the popup menu since it would be confusing to have both that and the "Times Reviewed" filter on the same screen - people would be unsure what the difference between them was.

And there's no way to select higher-level categories by themselves in sessions - if you want those cards to be selectable separately it would probably be easiest to just create another subcategory for them. (we're thinking about separating categories from "Folders" in a future revision of the system, actually, in which case we'd create those extra subcategories automatically when the original categories were turned into "Folders")
mikelove said:
The Duelist - how are you doing on free memory? It sounds like the journal file might be getting too big (we wrap all of those category removals up in a single transaction, which makes them a lot faster but also means temporarily there's a few MB worth of journaling data that has to go somewhere). I just tried reproducing your problem here on a T5 with plenty of memory and it seemed to work OK.
Memory Is Probably The Issue Then. :wink:
I Only Have About 2.4MB (3%) Internal Memory Free. :?
I set it up to review cards, and it said I was done, when in fact I still had about 15-20 cards that did not get reviewed. I understand that it's "by design", but I honestly cannot think of any scenario where (in this case/configuration) anyone would want that behavior.

if you want those cards to be selectable separately it would probably be easiest to just create another subcategory for them.

I didn't want to review them, they got put in that top level category by mistake. I wanted to find and then fix them, but there is no way within Pleco (except to export and do manually) to find them.

This is going to happen to people who enter cards from the front end, because it is 1) very easy to make mistakes, 2) hard to notice since it doesn't tell you which category it placed it in, 3) doesn't show the last category, and 4) the method for switching "default" category is a large number of steps, thus not easy enough when in this mode of adding.


Staff member
The Duelist - OK. It may be possible to break those transactions up in a later update, actually - no reason why the whole thing has to be in one, with flashcard imports we start a new one every few hundred cards.

stephanhodges - I agree that having some cards remain un-reviewed is not ideal, but there's unfortunately no way around it. Checking every card to make sure it has a valid / complete dictionary entry before the session starts would make starting sessions much slower than it is now (definitely worse than skipping cards); the only other alternative would be to not give people a total card count in All / Rep-spaced sessions, but we tried that and people hated it. So the best solution for now is to simply skip over invalid cards when we encounter them during a session, which is what we do.

I didn't realize you were talking about looking for those parent-category-only cards rather than testing them - you can already do that with an "exact category" Advanced search. (wasn't available until a couple of betas ago, so it's something a lot of people probably missed)

EDIT: Oops, sorry, didn't realize you were talking about the correct/incorrect chooser with the first part of your post (were you?) - on that, I suppose a few people might want to review all of the cards last answered correctly in one session and all of the ones last answered incorrectly in another, but I think it's a lot more likely that people would have a specific reason for reviewing just one of those groups (e.g. all the incorrect ones to make sure they remembered them correctly now), and again sticking cards that haven't been reviewed at all into one of those categories is likely to screw up a lot of those review systems, so unless a lot of people start requesting a "neither" option in that list I think the current setup is fine.


Error in the pinyin for Tuttle Dictionary Entry example
I've found the Tuttle Dictionary excellent for revision of HSK basic vocabulary because of its excellent examples. However for the entry 水果 shuǐguǒ, the first example is 水果人人都爱吃。 Shuǐguǒ rénrén duō ài chī. duō should be dōu.


Staff member
There are a lot of those sorts of errors in the Tuttle, actually - after 2.0 comes out we're planning to hire somebody to proofread it and hopefully catch most of them.


BUG: if MANAGE FLASHCARD screen is set to display DEFN a list of INVALIDS is shown instead of the definition. Bug surely related to the problem posted by “The Duelist” concerning the INVALID text in multiple choice flashcard sessions (In my case with the OX and the Tuttle dictionaries).

The following may not be strictly BUGS but may (or not) be desirable to change:

1. If PREFERENCES / DIC NAME: / APPEND TO DEFINITON is enabled the following line of text is introduced at the beginning of all word definitions during flashcard sessions: [Unihan Character Reference]. I tried to desable the Unihan dictionary but was of no help.

2. If INSTANT ACCESS is enabled then windows 5 initial screen changes the usual CONTACT text box to “Notificación” (notification in English) Pressing this button sends you back to pleco. I don’t think there is need for that since you already have the pleco ico on the task bar on top.

Hope I am not repeating already reported facts. By the way, I love the software!! ;)


Staff member
The Manage Flash / Append Name bugs have both been fixed in b8a/b8b, so if you update to that those should go away.

We can't do much about that Instant Access issue, unfortunately - however, if you turn off that Instant Access option and instead launch it using PlecoLaunch (add that to your Start menu or assign it to a hardware button, then activate it whenever you want to bring up IA) that should give you a way to launch IA that doesn't change the menu to Notification.