Stroke Animation Auto Repeat?

The Dictionary Stoke tab supports "Auto-Play Stroke Order". Would be fantastic to also "Auto Repeat", as soon as the writing is done repeat the drawing.

It would help make Pleco feel a little flashier, and for the use case where students are repeating writing over and over, it saves the interruption of pressing the play button again.


Staff member
Already added in 4.0; actually we have stroke order on a separate screen now (there's a small animation + stroke-by-stroke chart for each character in the STROKE tab but then you can tap on that to expand it to a fullscreen thing) but the separate screen has an option for looping animations.


Staff member
No idea - we feel great about where we are on the iOS version but we don't know how long it'll take from the first public beta of that to when we have it stable / finished enough that we can bring it to Android. (obviously we'd rather not do that too early because then we have to make every change on two different platforms)