2.0.0 Bug Report Thread

OK. tap-hold and selecting the User Dict also doesn't make it show up. However, if I disable "Always search dicts in order" then it works, even when just inputting the first character "山".


Staff member
OK, glad that fixed it. The issue stems from a change we made in 2.0 in order to deal with the expected larger number of dictionaries - the software is now a bit more aggressive about switching dictionaries when there's a less-than-exact match for the search query in one dictionary and an exact match in another. But since a couple of people have reported problems with this now it might make sense to tweak this a bit in 2.0.1, so that at least when you explicitly switch dictionaries it'll match something longer than the search term even if an exact match is available elsewhere - could also consider a new preference setting for this, I suppose. (replace the "search only in current dict" checkbox with a popup list that offered a couple of different ways to handle search-related dictionary switching)
Thanks for the reply Mike. That is very useful to know as I often just enter the first couple characters of a long string to perform my search. No need to reply (unless you want to of course), I know you are busy. :D


PDA freezes after about 180 flashcards in stroke order

Hi Mike,

I've experienced a freeze after about 180 flashcards while training stroke order. It happened twice in a row. The screen freezes and my ipaq 214 will not respond to any input. A reset is necessary.
Also it is possible to check the answer before you put in any strokes, the undo and clear buttons disappear. Maybe you could disregard the premature checks.

The way you implemented stroke order is simply briljant, but could you perhaps consider to change it a bit?
Is it possible to add the definition of the character?
Is it possible to check and automatically go to the next character? Now you have to push two buttons.

Thanks for Pleco 2, I bought it right away.



How often does you get such a freeze? Is something reproduceable?

I now stresses the flashcard + audio with the new fix over two days. More than 500 cards including many sentences. Maybe more than 8 hours total in time. During this large amount of time I only get one freeze where I had to make a reboot of the device. No other problem at all.

But as far as I can remember a seldomly happend freeze could happen during all other betas (while playing sound) as well. The point is how often it happen. For normal use I guess such a freeze would happen very seldom maybe once during some days or weeks of using. Maybe the actual 2.0.0a is a little less stable than 1.0.3 on good old Palm but I in my opinion it is stable enough for launching the release.

I just had another reset on my Tapcis Palm

I exported a list to external card. I basically selected all options. UTF-16 (se) I believe.

I asked to remap to free dictionary wherever possible.

It ran through about 30 cards, said it was done, returned to the Manage screen, where it froze up. About 10 seconds later (or so), I got a
Fatal Exception: 10
0000003F 20051F03
2005203E 30A00028

Looking at the newly exported file, ALL the definitions are in Chinese. Not sure how that could happen, since the only "free" dictionaries are the ADSO and CeDict ones...

It is also adding a space before the group name in the export... Those aren't there when I make up my own files, so not sure if it's needed? What would happen if the file were TWO levels deep? Now it's // Z/DZ09 so what would happen if it was //Fall/Z/DZ09 ?


daniel123 said:
How often does you get such a freeze? Is something reproduceable?

I now stresses the flashcard + audio with the new fix over two days. More than 500 cards including many sentences. Maybe more than 8 hours total in time. During this large amount of time I only get one freeze where I had to make a reboot of the device. No other problem at all.

But as far as I can remember a seldomly happend freeze could happen during all other betas (while playing sound) as well. The point is how often it happen. For normal use I guess such a freeze would happen very seldom maybe once during some days or weeks of using. Maybe the actual 2.0.0a is a little less stable than 1.0.3 on good old Palm but I in my opinion it is stable enough for launching the release.


I just had another freeze, this time at card #192. But I get it with stroke order only. I use a collection of 500 cards but with single characters on it. If I select 200 cards for a training, Pleco hasn't failed to freeze on me yet. When I'm using 100 cards, there doesn't seem to be a problem. Maybe there it's a minor memory leak. I'm not using the sound, just flexing my strokes.



also freezing with 100 cards

Hi everyone,

I just had the program freeze with 100 cards in stroke orders, it was about card #58 or so. This happened right after a reset.



Staff member
joepie - we'll take a look at this for 2.0.1, haven't seen any memory leak problems with stroke order so far but there certainly could still be something lurking (particularly on a VGA device) And it makes sense that the number of cards might vary, since some characters are more complicated / have more strokes than others.

Definitions in stroke order are something we've thought about, and automatically checking the result once you've entered all of the strokes would probably make sense too, but we do want to have at least one button tap there so that you can pause and see if you answered the character correctly (or which strokes you entered incorrectly if not) before moving on to the next card.

daniel123 - I agree we're ready to release now, and assuming nobody finds a horrible set-your-Treo-on-fire type bug within the next day or so the official version should be out very soon - we can't get everything perfect, but as long as the crashes are infrequent enough to not prevent the software from being usable I think we're in good enough shape to release.

stephanhodges - interesting... what if you try the export in UTF-16BE instead of LE? It looks from the file like the characters in the definitions were flipped, so they were in big-endian while everything else was in little-endian. The spaces before the group name are there because 1.0 requires them (checks for a "// " instead of just a "//") and we figure people might want to share exported lists from 2.0 with some 1.0 users - 2.0 checks for and skips over those spaces so they shouldn't cause problems when reimporting.
I did my first flashcards import (from a .txt file) today and there are a couple of observations:

1. Its very slow - about three flashcards per second. Is this normal?

2. I decided to stop one import at about the 2,000 mark. A prompt came up asking if I was sure. I said yes, but the import continued. Then I clicked stop again and some error message came up (sorry, forgot what it said). But the import still continued. Then I came out of the import screen (maybe all the way to the main screen, can't remember), then went back to Import, and it was still running. Only after Exit, did the import stop. Would also be good if stopping could allow changes to be rolled back.

3. I wanted to delete the partially imported flashcards. So I went into Manage Categories and deleted the new categories. I had to do it one by one - is there no chance of multiple-select? Then I realised that this only deassigned the categories rather than delete the flashcards. Wouldn't it be useful to have a prompt (before deleting begins) asking the user whether to "Keep flashcards", "Delete flashcards", "Delete flashcards no longer assigned to any categories?".

So, then I tried to figure out how to delete the flashcards. Manage Flashcards and then I selected the Unassigned category and then I deleted all flashcards in the search results. However, this deleted all my other flashcards too - maybe I forgot to hit Search after selecting Uncategorized (I can't remember).

Maybe its just me - but I'm a little uncomfortable with operations on search results that edit the underlying data (flashcards). Search results I think of more as a view. Removing items from the results list would not affect underlying data. Maybe you could search and then remove some results etc and then create a new category from that. But editing (i.e. deleting) the underlying flashcards, well I'm not so sure.

My suggestion would be more to combine deleting flashcards with deleting categories. If I delete a category then I would like to be able to automatically delete flashcards which then no longer have any categorization. Is this not the most common type of batch delete?

Apologies if I've missed something obvious here. I must confess to not having read any documentation.


Staff member
1. Yes, that's normal if you have a lot of dictionaries - only so much we can do to speed it up, unfortunately.

2. Imports don't stop right away - this is another Palm-related thing, actually, the importer processes a chunk of text instead of just one card at a time and it can't exit until it's done with that chunk. You can roll back changes with the Undo button, though I guess we could add a prompt right when you cancel the import.

3. Multi-select is tricky on any PDA interface, since there's not a good mechanism for an alternate-tap like with shift-tapping on a desktop (tap-hold wouldn't really be good for multiple-items). A delete cards prompt might make sense, though we'd definitely have to work on keeping people from deleting by accident (and add that delete-newly-uncategorized-cards option).

The search button in Manage Cards I'm not all that happy about either, but right now the performance just isn't good enough to search automatically whenever you change the parameters, particularly with some search types like Uncategorized (and pretty much in any search involving a sort). I definitely wouldn't take out the delete button in Manage Flashcards, people often like to clean up / cull their lists, but I guess we could consider a Remove from Results one too if we could find a place to put it - really though you can achieve most of the same things with the add / remove category buttons.

Deleting cards when deleting categories does make sense, though, and we can definitely look at adding that in a future release.
Even though I removed ALL dictionaries except the new free radical dictionary, while importing, it still found multiple entries for several of the "radicals".

In all cases these were from other dictionaries (UNI looks like one of the matches). Ji1, han4/gan1/gan4 for example.
What I meant is that the IMPORT found the entries somewhere else, even though I had removed all dictionaries (shifted them to the right column) AND said to allow duplicates, so that it would definitely import the card.

How can I force a NEW card, and attached to the radical dictionary (in this case). You can get the new dictionary and flashcard file at the wiki site (front page has a link to it)
Had another crash. Tapcis Palm

Importing the 320 or so radical cards, I first selected the Dicts button and removed all dictionaries except the radical one. Then I allowed duplicates. I still had "prompt" set on

After the first "ambiguous entry" came up, I checked the "don't show again" option. Thereafter, it imported everything, and beeped 2 or 3 times (which I assume is the "ambiguous entry found and I've made a choice, thank you" notification (which isn't in the user manual that I recall - haha).

Anyway, it finished, and then I decided to click the Dicts button again (just suspicious I guess). At that point, it crashed with Fatal Exception 10
4000001F 2016B2AC
2016F608 00000004

Do you want these kinds of numbers, btw?


Staff member
Must be some sort of bug involving custom dictionaries in flashcard imports, then - can't say we ever tested it with more than one user dictionary at a time (as we're not going to release MakePlecoDict 2.0 for a while yet), or with a user dictionary as the only import target. This is kind of a strange scenario in general - why not just import the list of radical definitions directly into flashcards and not bother with the extra dictionary database at all? As long as the cards you're importing have custom definitions the importer should always use those.
The cards don't have any definitions. They rely on the dictionary entries. But, it doesn't matter what variations I use, it never chooses that dictionary for importing (on the Palm at least).
mikelove said:
3. Multi-select is tricky on any PDA interface, since there's not a good mechanism for an alternate-tap like with shift-tapping on a desktop (tap-hold wouldn't really be good for multiple-items).
I vaguely remember my music player allows you to tap-hold-drag to select multiple contiguous items in a list. Is that easy to implement?


WM 5

In 2.0.0, when I view the character info for some traditional characters (such as yu2 餘) the radical shown seems to be the simplified version.

Also, when I add an entry to a category that's already a flashcard in another category, I get the message "Duplicate Card". Wouldn't it be better if the message was "Card Added to Category"?

Also also, is there an explanation of the 1-6 self-scores for flashcards? Is 1 "missed it completely" and 6 "could write it blindfolded"? I thought I'd read all the relevant sections of the manual but couldn't find it.

Thanks; I really like the new version!
stephanhodges said:
Even though I removed ALL dictionaries except the new free radical dictionary, while importing, it still found multiple entries for several of the "radicals".

In all cases these were from other dictionaries (UNI looks like one of the matches). Ji1, han4/gan1/gan4 for example.
I'm Having The Same Issue. :?
(My Multiple Matches Came From ABC)