2.0.0 Bug Report Thread

character said:
Also, when I add an entry to a category that's already a flashcard in another category, I get the message "Duplicate Card". Wouldn't it be better if the message was "Card Added to Category"?
I Was Also Going To Suggest This. :idea:


Not a bug, but a feature I would prefer:
The "Manage Flashcards" Screen does not show if you have hit the Search button or not. If you select any kind of cards and forget to hit the Search button, you might make wrong decisions on the cards you see - at least I did. A somehow colored Search button after the hit or any other solution could prevent that (WYSIWYG!).


Staff member
westmeadboy - tap-dragging would certainly be doable, but I'm not sure how helpful that is in a hierarchical list - what's a typical scenario for when you'd want to delete a bunch of categories at once? If you're deleting all of the categories with a particular parent, you can do that by just deleting the parent.

character - the simplified radical issue is a known problem, a limitation in our radical data set unfortunately - it doesn't differentiate between characters with the simplified and traditional version of each radical, and strangely enough neither Unihan nor any other database at our disposal has a clear "simplified or traditional" field for characters (partly I suppose since some of them can be both). The new character component data set we've licensed for 2.1 should hopefully let us fix this, though.

Changing "Duplicate Card" to "Added to Category" has already been requested a few times, that should definitely happen in some not-too-distant release. There's no explanation of the 1-6 scores at the moment aside from the algorithm description at the end of the flashcards reference manual - we didn't really design them with specific levels in mind. '6' is the only one that makes a card's score increase more quickly, though (raises its "difficulty factor"), so for correct answers I'd probably go with that unless you really had to strain to remember a card (or got it correct on a lucky guess).

HW60 - great idea; if we can't get performance to a point where search results update whenever the search parameters are changed, we could at least give people a clear indicator that they need to hit that button to see the latest results.
How about this:

When the user changes the search criteria, the results list is cleared and the search button is enabled. The results list could show a message like "Click search..."
When the user clicks on the search button, the results list is populated and the search button is disabled.



Minor, and this is a borderline feature/bug, but a number of functions don't work with Extension A or the CJK radicals block (possibly some other ranges too). Magnify doesn't work, nor does searching by character - all I've tried so far. I know characters not encoded in ZYSong may not be officially supported, and definitely weren't tested, so I'm not surprised.

I almost threw this in the features thread, but I went back and checked 1.0. It works there, so technically it's a regression, as characters in those odd blocks work in older version of the radical dictionary I created. I imagine this may also relate to the xml export problem I saw earlier.

Here are some of the characters, not sure which ranges will be supported by phpbb, so just sticking in a bunch:
龺, ⻗, ⻏, ⻎, ⻍, ⻊, ⺁



Pleco 2.0 was worth the wait. Good job! Just one thing...my flashcards aren't working. I click the Open Flashcards button and I get the following error: "Flashcard Failure - Sorry, the flashcard could not be created because your flashcard file could not be accessed - exit and reopen Pleco and try again." I closed and opened Pleco and even soft rebooted. Still no luck. Any idea what might be happening? Thanks, Jamie


Thanks for responding; sorry I duped some earlier reports. Is there a list of known, unfixed bugs we can check before posting?

mikelove said:
the simplified radical issue is a known problem, a limitation in our radical data set unfortunately - it doesn't differentiate between characters with the simplified and traditional version of each radical

Is there a one-to-one mapping between simplified radicals and traditional radicals? You could just check if the character is traditional and if so, look up and return the traditional version of the radical instead.


There isn't a one to one mapping. In many cases it's one to one, many other cases the simplified radical is arbitrarily different from the original.


If I recall correctly, there was a drop down box under help that provided the abbreviations used in ABC. Does that still exist within the program somewhere? Not sure if I am missing something. I found it useful to be sure.


When I create a new "profile" in the flashcards, the defaults are not too useful and require a lot of tweaking. Would it be possile to make the 'default' for new profiles the same as the 'default' that is setup when you first install Pleco?


Staff member
westmeadboy - that seems like a good way to handle it, though perhaps we'd want it tied to a preferences option in case people wanted to fiddle around with search settings without losing their old results (not sure why, but there might be a reason).

ldolse - we'll take a look at that extension a / radical issue, though it may not be fixed until we add official support for alternative fonts.

Jamie - perhaps there's an old flashcard file in there mucking things up somehow; did you install any of the previous 2.0 releases? Try using PlecoMover's Advanced screen to delete your Pleco 2.0 flashcard file, then run the software again.

character - yes, as ldolse says there isn't a one-to-one mapping, we really need something that explicitly identifies in each case what a character's radical is - we now have that information from this new character component database I mentioned, we just haven't done anything with it yet.

radioman - that was removed, unfortunately (didn't have time to reimplement it), but if you put the abbreviation guide from the instruction manual in a text file you can open that from the document reader. At some point we'll be adding hyperlinks to those abbreviations to automatically look them up, just haven't gotten around to it yet.

Alexis - that's odd, the defaults should be the same in either case - what sort of defaults does it give you?


When I create a new profile I get the following defaults, some "advanced settings" are:

Card Language: English/Chinese
Defn Size: 10 Head Size: 10
Scoring Type: None
Score: Inc by 0 Points
ALL checkbox options are unchecked.
Top Fields: Blank Blank

When I refer to the "default" profile, this refers to the one that came with Pleco 2, beta 1... It is possible that I changed them over the course of testing...


Hi there, I was just trolling (not the bad kind but the just looking kind :D ) around the site (very nice by the way) when I thought I would have a quick look at my orders, I noticed that I had the tuttle dict listed but it was still the demo version on my HTC... so I downloaded my keyfile again and reinstalled that and voila tuttle is not a demo any longer... woo hoo... thanks for that Mike but when the keyfile went in it told me that not all the dictionaries I had bought were installed (or something similar)... but after checking it looks like I have all the ones I bought (the full package with all the whistles)... so I am a little confused... any help in clearing that up would be good... cheers...


Mike, I checked the PlecoMover and saw that there were no files listed anywhere. What's the name of the file in the installation folders? I don't recall seeing it. The only flashcard file is named "Flashcard Converter," which also doesnt' work because I don't have any flashcard files. Thanks again for your help.


Staff member
Alexis - that's odd, it sounds like the profile's not being populated with the default settings correctly. We'll take a look for 2.0.1.

Shadowdh - might be because some other component isn't installed - are you sure the audio / stroke / etc are all in place? And all of the dictionaries?

Jamie - did you try changing PlecoMover's source? Tap Advanced and then try each of the options in the "Move from" menu - do any of them show any files listed? If they don't, perhaps you're running low on memory - how much free internal memory does your system have? (you can check that in the Info screen, in the same menu as Delete)



I can write chinese characters in main display but when I am in input(入) mode there seems to be some problem. When write in input mode I get symbols but if I first tap to radical or keyboard slide and back to handwriting it works fine.

I'm using Palm Tungsten E2.


Mike, thanks for working with me on this. I've opened Pleco User DB Mover v.2.0. under advanced mode, "Move from: Internal Card" and "Move From: Memory Stick" there are no files listed. Ditto for the "Move to." My memory shows 594 MB free on the Memory Stick Pro and 21.2 MB on the handheld. Any other suggestions?


Staff member
xin - have you installed PenPower or some other handwriting recognition package on your Palm? If you go into the main Palm OS Prefs application, Writing Area panel and set "Write anywhere on-screen" to "Off," does that make a difference? (it's supposed to disable that automatically but there may be a bug there)

Jamie - go into the Search Paths section of Preferences - what item is selected next to "Create new user DBs in"? If it's "Internal," change it to "SD Card," (also works with Memory Sticks) if it's "SD Card" change it to "Internal," then exit and reopen Pleco and try using flashcards again.


Mike, I don't have any other recognition package istalled in my Palm unless there is someone included when I bought it in China. In system preferences there are CJK OS and PenP which have something to do with writing in Chinese. Does PenP stand for PenPower? I reseted the whole system and emptied sd-card before install. "Write anywhere on-screen" is also Off. It seems that sometimes input works directly but most of the time I have to tap keyboard/radical slide and back to handwriting to make it work.